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The Top 10 Benefits of Reducing False Positives With Your Video Surveillance System

False positives — incorrect alerts generated by security systems — are a significant challenge in video surveillance, leading to wasted time, resources, and potentially undermining security efforts. These false alarms can trigger a range of…

Read “The Top 10 Benefits of Reducing False Positives With Your Video Surveillance System”

Stream Four Different Views Simultaneously on One 360° Camera with Multi-Mode

Read “Stream Four Different Views Simultaneously on One 360° Camera with Multi-Mode”

When Using AI, Think Application First to Best Benefit Your Business

Read “When Using AI, Think Application First to Best Benefit Your Business”

Three features to look for in 360-degree camera technology

Read “Three features to look for in 360-degree camera technology”

How to save on storage and bandwidth while getting the sharpest quality video with Region of Interest compression

Read “How to save on storage and bandwidth while getting the sharpest quality video with Region of Interest compression”

Video Blog: High Dynamic Range (HDR) vs Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)

Read “Video Blog: High Dynamic Range (HDR) vs Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)”
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