X-Series Upgrade Campaign and no-charge trial of March Networks Evidence Vault
The following terms apply to this campaign.
- The campaign offer begins November 14, 2022 and continues until December 31, 2023.
- A purchase of at least 1 March Networks X-Series Hybrid Recorder must take place in order to take advantage of the 3-month no-charge trial of Evidence Vault.
- In connection with the Order to upgrade your March Networks NVR, you will be provided no-charge access to the March Networks Evidence Vault Service (“Service”) for a temporary 90-day trial period. The Terms of Service at https://www.marchnetworks.com/ToS/ apply to the use of the Service on a temporary basis. If you do not agree to the terms, do not access the Service. The no-charge trial period is not to exceed ninety (90) days from your initial access to the Service. Prior to the expiration of your no-charge trial, a March Networks sales representative will provide you with a quotation to continue the Service. Your access to the Service will be terminated at the end of the no-charge trial period unless an order is placed to continue the Service. Upon termination of the Service all end user data will be deleted.
- Promo code XS-EV3MOS must be used when placing the order. The promo code must be on the P.O, the quote and in the notes section to initiate the free Evidence Vault trial.
- Offer includes 1 tenant trial per customer (standard Evidence Vault service).